Keep up to date with our team's progress through regular updates on our site.
Keep up to date with our team's progress through regular updates on our site.
Thanks to our second report we are invited to participate in the semi-final. There we will meet the 29 other teams also selected. The semi-final will take place in Brussels on March 23rd.
During the semi-final we will have to present our project orally in 5 minutes and answer the questions asked by the jury...
During the contest organized especially for the first degree of our school, we chose the best logo for our team. This adds an even more personal touch to the project!
6 members of our Cansat team went to present our project to Innoviris engineers. They will make the rocket that will propel our can.
All Cansat teams were able to continue after the first report was sent.
Our second report was sent on March 9 which selected us for the semi-final which will take place on 23/03/2022
Our Partnership Agreement with Eurocircuit is signed: our Cansat will have the necessary printed circuit boards!
The IstyBitsy board chosen for our sub-cans is tested and works as expected
Welcome to the G-Mini official website.
Let's start the real things.