About us
G-Mini is the CanSat team from Collège Saint-Pierre Uccle participating in CanSat Belgium 2022. Here is the team working on the project. All masked and respectful of the covid security rules
Who are we?
We are G-Mini, the team representing the Collège Saint-Pierre from Uccle in the CanSat contest. The G-Mini's team is composed of 6 core members, assisted by a handful of other students. Every person in the team has a very important role and closely collaborates with everybody else.
Why "G-Mini"?
For our secondary mission, we have chosen to eject 2 smaller twin cans from the main can that will collect the data in the same way as the main one, so that we can cover a larger perimeter. "G-mini" refers to the well-known twins in the zodiac and to the famous space program run by the United States from 1963 to 1966.
Contact us
You can contact us by email (info.cansat@cspu.be), Instagram (@cspu.cansat) or Facebook (@cspu.cansat).
Clara Remy
Hello ! I'm Clara, I'm 15 years old and this is my first year doing Cansat. I'm part of the team that takes care of the 3D modeling of the can, within the G-Mini Team. To make it simple, I help design all the mechanical parts of the can with the help of a software, which are then 3D-printed, assembled and tested.
To be more specific I’m in charge of the horizontal ejection system for our secondary mission, where the sub-cans are drawers that are stacked .
Thibaut Dochen
Hello ! I am in charge of the development of an ejection system for our secondary mission: in my design, the sub-cans are placed in a vertical position
Killian Evouna
I work on Arduino on tasks concerning the secondary mission in collaboration with the team working on the servo and the radio. My main task is to develop the project-specific classes (GMiniRecord, GMiniCanCommander, GMiniAcquisitionProcess…) all year long and to ensure the software integration.
Robin Remy
My name is Robin, I work with Clément on the programming of the servo (motors) that play a role in the ejection of the sub-cans in Clara's disign. I'm also in charge of calculating the descent velocity of the main can and the sub-cans during our test drops, using the Tracker software.
Clément Van Muylder
My name is Clément and I joined the CanSat team this year. I learned the basics of programming and since October I have been working on the "Servos" (small motor that turns a propeller). Now I can control them almost perfectly! I will now work on the electrical circuit of the sub-canet. I can't wait to see what's next!
Tidou Lits
My name is Tidou Lits, I am in 4th year secondary school at Saint Pierre d'Uccle, I am 15 years old and I like math and science.
I was assigned the task of designing and building the parachute for my first participation in the project, in duo with Anissa (5th grade student).
Raphaël Aubard
my name is Raphaël Aubard i'm 15 years old i love sports and maths so i joined the Cansat project to discover programming and modeling.
Martin Barov
My name is Martin Barov. I was already helping the last year’s cansat project. I'm working to ensure a communication of our cans, I use XBee radios as a communication tool. I manage the radio and program on Arduino
Petar Vitorac
Anissa Chanmugan
My name is Anissa and I work with Tidou on the main mission of building the parachute by hand and modifying it according to the test results. I also help with the translation and correction in English of our reports.
Vlad Panaite
Hello, my name is Vlad, I'm 15 years old and I'm in the 4th secondary school, I participate in cansat because I like math and science.
I have participated in different tasks so far: I tested the pressure sensor (BMP) in combination with and IstyBitsy micro-controller board, and built the reference electronic circuits.
Babette Delcourt
Hi! My name is Babette, I'm 15 years old. I am participating for the first time in the project. I'm currently in charge of the creation of the site and its future updates